This delicious Gluten-Free Mince Pie recipe is a guaranteed crowd pleaser when entertaining friends and family over the Christmas period.

Our super simple and coeliac-friendly recipe will make smooth, buttery mince-meat pies inspired by our Snowflakes Collection

Serves 12

The history behind Mince Pies at Christmas

Enjoyed as a festive treat shared between family in the most precious moments, or a hopeful exchange between Santa Claus and excited children on Christmas Eve; Mince Pies have been a Christmas staple for generations. However, we don't really know much about them!

This warming snack dates back to the Middle Ages, but you may be surprised to know that the recipe has certainly changed over time. The mince-meat gets its name from the mutton, beef, pork and rabbit that used to be used as filling; alongside a selection of finely chopped fresh fruit and preserving liquid. 

Even King Henry V was a fan of the mince pie! He was served one at his coronation in 1413.

What you will need

Snowflake and round pastry cutter
Baking tin
Pastry brush
Mixing bowl
Tea Towel

2 eggs
200g Mince Meat (Gluten Free)
200g plain white flour (Gluten Free)
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp cold water
25g icing sugar
100g butter

Pink Gnomes Cotton Apron by Ulster Weavers modelled by baker

Method: How to make delicious homemade pizza

1. Put on your Snowflakes or Gnomes Apron.

2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade, 160 for a fan oven or gas mark 4.

3. Grab a large mixing bowl, and pour in the flour, caster sugar and xanthan gum, and combine. 

4. Next, add the butter and use a fork to work the butter into the flour until it looks like bread crumbs.

5. Crack the eggs into the mixing bowl and add 2 tablespoons of water and stir into the flour until a sticky but soft ball of dough is created.

6. Cover the mixing bowl with an Ulster Weavers Tea Towel and leave to rest for 15 minutes.

7. Grab some butter and rub this around the inside of your baking tin.

9. Split the dough into 3 equal balls, and leave 1 in the mixing bowl to rest further.

10. Dust the kitchen surface with flour and place the 2 remaining balls in the middle. Roll out the pastry until it becomes one with the thickness of a pound or euro coin.

10. Select the round pastry cutter and press gently into the dough, to cut out 12 separate circles. Place circles into baking tray

11. For the filling, place a teaspoon of mincemeat into the centre of each tart.

12. Next, uncover the 3rd ball of dough and roll out on a flour dusted surface.

13. Grab the snowflake shaped pastry cutter and push gently into the dough to cut out 12 snowflakes.

14. Gently place these on top of mincemeat and brush the pastry with a light coating of egg whites.

15. Put on your Ulster Weavers Oven Gloves and place Mince Pies into oven for 30 minutes or until golden.

16. Once baked, remove pies from the oven, place on a Pot Mat and leave to cool.

17. Using a sift, softly sprinkle some icing sugar over the top of the mince pies to give them a snowy finish.

18. Take a bite and enjoy! 

Snowflakes Tea Towel (2 pack) Sage Green and Frosty Green
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Ulster Weavers Ltd is a home textiles company based in Northern Ireland. Relying on 141 years of knowledge in textile production, Ulster Weavers prides itself on producing high quality products alongside excellent customer service. Every product is developed by our in house design team to meet the demands of a 21st century market.

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